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 Things to do in Giant’s Castle

Established over 100 years ago in 1903, the Giant’s Castle Game Reserve was first formed to protect the declining population of wild eland antelope. Today, these wilds remain intact and a 285-kilometre network of footpaths crisscrosses the park that neighbours Lolambazo.


Activities at Lolambazo

1. Hiking Trails

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Guests are welcome to amble across the grasslands beyond the Bushman’s River and even climb the towering Chimney Pot peak that’s visible from the verandah. Hiking routes follow a mix of rugged trail paths and old Jeep tracks that follow the contour lines. Another possible route lies behind the house and follows the course of the Lolambazo River. Up here, hikers will find trickling waterfall scenery and sublime views down the Bushman’s River valley.

2. Birding

Don’t forget to pack those binoculars! The gardens in and around Lolambazo Country House are filled with feathered finds. This area is home to the Ground Woodpecker, Gurney's Sugarbird, Malachite Sunbird, Lazy Cisticola and Yellow Bishop.

Avid twitchers will also love a visit to the Giant’s Castle Resort and walks beyond. The cliffs above the rock art caves are good for finding Southern Bald Ibis, Lanner Falcon and Alpine Swift whilst the forest edges should produce Yellow-throated Woodland-Warbler, Forest Canary and the Greater Double-collared Sunbird.

3. Fly Fishing

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Fly fishing is available directly in front of the Lolambazo Country House, where the Bushman’s River pools above the weir. Fishermen can expect to catch both Brown and Rainbow trout, with Browns typically more frequently caught.

For those wanting to fish other stretches of the river, it’s possible to book a day pass with the amaHlubi/NFFC community project. Request a booking on one of four beats on the Bushman’s River, or the long beat on the Ncibidwana River.

To book, contact Mrs Sylvia Mbata on 072 220 1403. Please note that the waters are only open to fly fishing between 1 September and 31 May every year.

Activities at Giant’s Castle Resort

1. Rock Art

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The world-renowned Giant’s Castle Main Caves Museum provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of the vanished San people who first inhabited these mountain landscapes. A guided walk is available to the well-preserved panels of rich rock art paintings.

Tours start on the hour from 9am to 3pm. The return walk, plus the guided tour, takes roughly two hours and an entrance fee is payable at reception.

2. Vulture Hide

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Bird-enthusiasts and avid photographers will love a visit to the vulture restaurant and sought-after bird hide. A space in the hide needs to be booked in advance and provides the front-seat opportunity to view and photograph raptors and vulture species, such as the endangered Lammergeier or Bearded vulture, Cape vulture, Jackal buzzards and the Verreaux’s eagle. This short article explains the vulture hide experience rather beautifully.

The Giant’s Castle Hide is open year round, caters to a maximum of six guests and these visitors require a 4x4. Advance booking is essential to land a seat - especially over weekends - and ensure that there’s some food for the vulture restaurant. Call 0363533718 or email to book.

3. Hiking Trails

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There are a number of beautiful day hikes available inside the reserve. Short trails include:

  • River Walk: short and straightforward, this hike is 3km and 1-hour long.

  • Bushman’s River Trail: This walk leads to the Main Caves where San rock art adorns the rock panels. This walk is 3,2km and 2-hours long.

  • Grysbok Bush Trail: This hike goes beyond the caves and ascends steadily heading for indigenous forest and pools. Anticipate a 4-hour return walk for the 8-kilometre trail.

4. Fly Fishing

It is also possible to fly fish in the Bushman’s River waters that flow within the boundaries of the Giant’s Castle park.

A rod permit fee is payable at the reception.